Spring Newsletter
Search for New Home
The old Pioneer Hospital, our current home, was sold. We must vacate the building by May 1st. High Desert Christian Academy purchased the building and plans to have the building ready for classes this September. We are looking for 3,500 SF of climate-controlled space with floors capable of supporting food storage. Please pray we find a suitable space at an affordable price, and we will not have to move into temporary quarters.
About St. Vincent de Paul of Crook County
We are the largest, lay Catholic charitable organization serving Crook County. More than forty volunteers provide food and emergency services to neighbors in need.
Our Pantry served an average of 224 households with 554 individuals per month over the last 3 months.
Our guests’ primary sources of income: Social Security Benefits (19%), no income (17%), full time work (14%), Social Security Disability (12%), part-time work (12%), undisclosed (9%), family or friends (5%), retirement or pension (4%), Supplemental Security Income (2%), and other (6%).
Pantry guests reported their living situation as renting (45%), unhoused (31%), and own their own home (24%).
Emergency Services provided $67,200 in assistance to 156 households these last 6 months, 93% of which was spent keeping 112 families in their home by helping them with rent and utility payments. Primary reasons for needing help included: emergency, no family support, loss of income, and no savings. Their cost of housing generally exceeded 50% of gross income. Neighbor Impact and Thrive, the big regional players in the housing support market, ran out of funds in December and refer clients to us. A very generous donor who thinks Prineville is a very friendly town has sustained our ability to help the people of Prineville.
Volunteers Needed
Are you looking for a rewarding ministry serving others for 3 hours a week? Volunteers serve in the Pantry, the office, and Emergency Service. Please call 541-447-7662 if you are interested in volunteering.