St. Vincent de Paul of Crook County is locally organized and is focused on serving anyone in need with dignity and respect. Through donations by individuals and local businesses, we provide food and a variety of social services to individuals who are in need. We serve all people in the Prineville area equally. In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution adheres to this nondiscrimination statement.
Updates & News
St. Vincent de Paul on the Move Again
We learned we must move again. We just arrived on the Prineville Campus in May, site of the old Woodgrain Mill, where we were welcomed and made to feel right at home. However, their largest tenant, Central Oregon Processing, is... Continue reading→

Focused on Community
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Crook County (SVdP) was formed in 1977 and has been an important part of the local community for over 40 years. St. Vincent de Paul is part of an international society devoted to works of charity with more than 4,400 conferences in the U.S. alone. This Conference is located in the rural community of Prineville and serves the people of Crook County.
Helping Our Neighbors
No work of charity is foreign to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We pride ourselves on compassionately serving everyone in need regardless of creed, ethnic, gender or social background. Our aim is to promote human dignity and personal integrity through the work we do and the services we provide. No task is too great or too small.

“It is in serving the poor that we see the suffering face of Christ”. …whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me… Mt 25, 40